Wecome to the Cucumis sativus page. I discuss all things cucumber related.
Long Green - Dark and smooth in color and texture. Long and green, just like the name. Prolific producer.
Open Pollinated Seeds, Tualatin Valley Grown. farmingtongrapelibrary.com
Korall - Amazingly productive cucumber. I had 14 of these guys on one plant. And 6 inches in length, perfect for pickling.
Open Pollinated Seeds, Tualatin Valley Grown. farmingtongrapelibrary.com
Lemon - I am not sure the history of this cucumber, but I can not keep them in stock when I sell my vegetable starts. They
are amazingly popular, and they pickle nicely. Seeds saved off plant that produced about 10 baseball sized cucumbers.
Open Pollinated Seeds, Tualatin Valley Grown. farmingtongrapelibrary.com
Space Master - If I were to discontinue a cucumber, it would be this guy. It was intentionally designed to grow a small
plant, but the cucumbers were not consistent in size, really disappointed with this variety.
Open Pollinated Seeds, Tualatin Valley Grown. farmingtongrapelibrary.com
Straight Eight - The name says it all. Very similar to Long Green in size and abundent, but the skin color is a motted
green and greenish/gray color. Very attractive plant and fruit, six of these plants will produce an entire seasons worth of pickling material.
Open Pollinated Seeds, Tualatin Valley Grown. farmingtongrapelibrary.com